# Copyright (c) 2021 Pratyush Kumar, Abhinav Prakash, and Yu Ding
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import numpy as np
from .utils import validate_matching
from ._GPMethods import *
from ._funGP_subroutine import *
[docs]class FunGP(object):
Xlist: list
A list, consisting of data sets to match, also each of the individual data set can be
a matrix with each column corresponding to one input variable.
ylist: list
A list, consisting of data sets to match, and each list is an array that corresponds to target
values of the data sets.
testset: np.array
Test points at which the functions will be compared.
conf_level: float
A single value representing the statistical significance level for
constructing the band. Default value is 0.95.
limit_memory: bool
A boolean (True/False) indicating whether to limit the memory use or not.
Default is True. If set to True, 5000 datapoints are randomly sampled
from each dataset under comparison for inference.
opt_method: string
A string specifying the optimization method to be used for hyperparameter
estimation. The best working solver are ['L-BFGS-B', 'BFGS'].
Default value is 'L-BFGS-B'.
sample_size: dict
A dictionary with two keys: optim_size and band_size, denoting the sample size for each dataset for
hyperparameter optimization and confidence band computation, respectively, when limit_memory = TRUE.
Default value is {optim_size: 500, band_size: 5000}.
rng_seed: int
Random number genrator (rng) seed for sampling data when limit_memory = TRUE. Default value is 1.
self with trained parameters. \n
- mu1: An array of test prediction for first data set.
- mu2: An array of test prediction for second data set.
- mu_diff: An array of pointwise difference between the predictions from the two datasets (mu2-mu1).
- band: An array of the allowed statistical difference between functions at testpoints in testset.
- conf_level: A numeric representing the statistical significance level for constructing the band.
- estimated_params: A list of estimated hyperparameters for GP.
def __init__(self, Xlist, ylist, testset, conf_level=0.95, limit_memory=True, opt_method='L-BFGS-B',
sample_size={'optim_size': 500, 'band_size': 5000}, rng_seed=1):
validate_matching(Xlist, ylist)
if type(conf_level) != int and type(conf_level) != float or conf_level < 0 or conf_level > 1:
raise ValueError(
"The conf_level be a numeric value between 0 and 1")
if type(limit_memory) != type(True):
raise ValueError("The limit_memory must be either True or False.")
if limit_memory:
if not isinstance(sample_size, dict):
raise ValueError(
"If limit_memory is True, sample_size must be a dictionary with two named items: optim_size and band_size.")
if not set(['optim_size', 'band_size']) == set(list(sample_size.keys())):
raise ValueError(
"If limit_memory is True, sample_size must be a dictionary with two named items: optim_size and band_size.")
if type(rng_seed) != int:
raise ValueError(
"The rng_seed must be a single integer value.")
if opt_method not in ['L-BFGS-B', 'BFGS']:
raise ValueError("The opt_method must be 'L-BFGS-B' or 'BFGS'.")
self.Xlist = Xlist
self.ylist = ylist
for i in range(2):
self.Xlist[i] = np.array(self.Xlist[i])
self.ylist[i] = np.array(self.ylist[i])
for i in range(2):
if len(self.Xlist[i].shape) == 1:
self.Xlist[i] = self.Xlist[i].reshape(-1, 1)
if self.Xlist[0].shape[1] != self.Xlist[1].shape[1]:
raise ValueError(
"The number of columns in both the dataset should be the same.")
self.testset = np.array(testset)
if len(self.testset.shape) == 1:
self.testset = self.testset.reshape(-1, 1)
if self.Xlist[0].shape[1] != self.testset.shape[1]:
raise ValueError(
"The number of columns in input and testset should be same.")
self.conf_level = conf_level
self.limit_memory = limit_memory
self.opt_method = opt_method
self.optim_size = sample_size['optim_size']
self.band_size = sample_size['band_size']
self.rng_seed = rng_seed
optim_result = estimate_parameters(self.Xlist, self.ylist, self.optim_size,
self.rng_seed, opt_method=self.opt_method, limit_memory=self.limit_memory)
self.params = optim_result['estimated_params']
self.diff_cov = compute_diff_cov(
self.Xlist, self.ylist, self.params, self.testset, self.band_size, self.rng_seed, self.limit_memory)
self.mu1 = self.diff_cov['mu1']
self.mu2 = self.diff_cov['mu2']
self.mu_diff = self.mu2 - self.mu1
self.band = compute_conf_band(
self.diff_cov['diff_cov_mat'], self.conf_level)